Please select your target from the following list:
COVID Status
Universal masking is still required at UHN.
Meetings – In-person meetings are limited based on the need to maintain 1m distancing. Masking is required during the meeting and no food is allowed.
UHN still requires that staff and visitors (including research participants) coming to UHN sites are fully vaccinated (at least two doses).
Tours - Tours are allowed at KITE sites. Full tour guidelines are listed in the Kite Restart Tour Policy document on the Return to Work (RTW) web application dashboard.
Social Gatherings - In-person gatherings are limited based on the meeting room capacity limits needed to support 2m distancing as best as possible. Food or drink can only be consumed when people can maintain at least 2m distance from each other, and masks must be worn when not eating or drinking. Social gathering food and drink consumption guidelines include; only pre-packaged food/drinks, no food/drink sharing, sanitization of surfaces and shared equipment is required before and after use, hand sanitizer must be available in the room (preferred) or adjacent to the room.
Organizing Social Gatherings – Consider implications for the departments/groups involved if a COVID-19 transmission event occurs. Teams should ensure a plan is in place in the event that multiple staff members cannot attend work due to acquiring infection.
Feasibility, acceptability, and safety of implementing a virtual, task-oriented exercise program (TIME at Home) in the inpatient stroke rehabilitation setting: A mixed methods study