Anita Kaiser

Anita Kaiser completed a Master of Science and doctoral degree in Rehabilitation Sciences through the University of Toronto. Her fields of interest are in spinal cord injury and activity-based therapy. Anita is also an Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto. Anita has been living with a spinal cord injury (SCI) for over 25 years and brings that passion and interest to her work and collaborations with other scientists exploring ways to improve function and quality of life and reduce secondary complications and barriers to inclusion and social participation. Anita has been the Research Chair for the Canadian Spinal Research Organization since 2005 and is also a member of the North American SCI Consortium. Anita has mentored over 80 individuals with SCI through SCI Ontario and has been a strong advocate within the SCI community.

Labs And PIs

  • Craven Lab
  • SCI Mobility Lab

Main Site

TRI-Lyndhurst Centre (520 Sutherland Drive)

Contact Me